Name: Bhimappa Gangur

Age: 46 years

Bhimappa Gangur is a Taxi driver. He lives with his wife and 3 children, 2 sons and 1 daughter. 

Working as a taxi driver he doesn't have a fixed salary. His salary varies according to the passengers he gets. He charges Rs. 20 per K.M. so sometimes he would earn Rs. 2000 or sometimes Rs. 200 or sometimes nothing. During Off-season his earnings are Null. 

In Goa, the Tourist season is in the months from January to April. During this time Maximum tourists visit Goa. hence this gives Bhimappa a chance to earn money. Sometimes he has to work overnight too.

He is satisfied with his job as he is the owner of himself and no one can order him around he can rest whenever he wants to and work whenever he wants to. As per his will. He earns approximately 15000 per month.

But this Pandemic had an adverse effect on his business. During the lockdown he had no source of income. He was not able to manage his expenses. Hence he used up all his savings. Even after the lockdown was over he was not able to earn due to lack of tourists. Not only him but many other taxi drivers were facing the same situation. 

His family's support love and affection motivates him to work day and night. His only dream is to provide his family a better future and to provide his children good education. He wants to see them succeed in life and not struggle the same fate as him.

Source:Prakash Biradar


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