Fathima Hazaratali Mirajkar, born in 1977, is a worker doing her tasks zealously and error-free in numerous work-stations including offices, households, a hospital and a showroom.

Ms. Fathima is a divorcee who has been driven away from her marital home on trivial issue by her husband. Presently, she lives with her parents and her married brother.

She receives pension under Graha Aadhar Scheme. During the period of lock-down she earned mere income for her survival. She was cared and looked after by a generous household during those tiring times.

Her employers compliment that she is very punctual and neat in her job. She is like a family member to them. Her work is appreciable and commendable.

Some of her employers paid her full salary after the lock-down because of her sincerity and dedication towards them which is been her asset.

Though Fathima was at a loss to complete her elementary education, she gives us an imperative and noteworthy message. She says, "I learnt in my school 'Cleanliness is next to Godliness' and I still practice the same. Though I am less educated and being compelled to do odd jobs to earn my living, I come across many educated people who live in unhealthy and untidy surroundings. Better understanding should prevail on them."

Source : Yash Karpe


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